Crediamo fortemente in un approccio interdisciplinare per integrare l’etica nei processi e nella tecnologia. La collaborazione con professioniste/i e la nostra rete di partner ci permette di comprendere le complessità della situazione e di fornire per ogni progetto un’analisi chiara e il più contestuale possibile.
CEO & co-fondatrice
CEO & co-fondatrice
Data Scientist
Operations e Project Management
Per questo organizziamo momenti di confronto e aggiornamento con i membri del nostro Advisory Board, per rimanere sempre aggiornate e aperte al confronto soprattutto in ottica europea e globale.
Head of the Mobile and Social Computing Lab (MobS), Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Associate Professor of Law, Leiden University & Co-director of the Brussels Privacy Hub
Associate Professor in Logic & Philosophy of Science at Roma Tre University
Senior Partner, E-Lex, technology law and digital administration
Postdoctoral Researcher in Digital Sociology & Head of Research and Advocacy, Cyber Rights Organization (CRO)
GP at Fondo Rialto, entrepreneur and expert in information technology and public services
Lecturer in Social Innovation & Strategy, University of Bristol, writer & feminist activist
Data Science & AI Ethics Lead, Rijks ICT Gilde, Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Italian member of the Managing Board of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights & Full Professor of Constitutional Law and Media Law, Bocconi University
Senior Assistant Professor (RTDB) Law Department, University of Bologna & Part-time Professor, Law Department, European University Institute (EUI)
Associate Professor of Logic Logic, Uncertainty, Computation and Information Lab Scientific Director, PhilTech Research Center for the Philosophy of Technology University of Milan